Monday, February 08, 2010

Cast of Characters-in 6 Words

It all started with a challenge to e.e.cumming to write a novel in 6 words.

His reply?

for sale. new baby shoes. unused.

There have been a series of books, magazine articles and curriculum plans floating around lately that encourage this way of clearing your thoughts, editing your words, etc. Thought we'd have some fun with it.

For starters, the backdrop, our home.

chickens, laundry, wind chime, books, tea (home)

Members of la familia would be...

amused and bemused, celebrates all people
(Big B)

humbled by Grace, aspiring agape love

Goofy. Elegantly connects dots of life.

ensitive, sullen, hooligan. Flashes of Genius.

un loving. Reader. Deep thinker- Underestimated.

his is actually pretty fun. I challenge you to create your own family cast of characters-in 6 words. (no more/no less)

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