Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Summer Alphabet

A quick word-association game for our household this summer.

A: ants, Austen, adventures, Antique Mall, Around the World in 80 Days
B: big ants, Brian-Scott, Brian, broken cars, broken stuff, bananas like "Go bananas, go go bananas" (the song), Boys and Girls Club, bicycles, books, build
C: Cody, chickens and more chickens,Corvette, Costa Rica, chicken coop.
D: desert, dessert, deck.
E:eggs..all two the hens have laid! EuroTrans mercedes repair., European Cars
F: Flying L. Water Park , fruit, facebook, fence-repair, friends
G: Gyrocopter, Gatorade, guitar, garden
H: hot, hot, hot
I: ice water, ice
J: juice
K: kitchen
L: laundry
M: Michael and Mason, mariachi, movies, man cave, mosquitoes
N: news and night-time rats (aka Justin, Travis, Devin, Austen, Cody and Mason), New Orleans
O: oh dear...
P: Pina Coladas, parties, popsicles
Q: quacking ducks on the river
R: rain, maybe, possibly, please?, rope swing
S: swimsuits, swimming, soccer, sun, Shakespeare, steak-nights, sillyness
T: tea, trumpet, t.v. , tennis
U: umbrella (I think I'm funny)
V: vans, violins , vacation, visit
W:wasps, wind chime, work, walks, Wii games
X: x-ray
Y: youth gathering
Z: catchin' some zzz's

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