Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Man Cave?!

Our nonsense has reached new heights! ..and I am kinda glad.

Here Cody and Devin hang from the balcony of their Man Cave.

Last week Cody and Austen spent the afternoon cleaning out the tree-house. They decluttered, rearranged, etc. When asked what they were up to. Cody looks me directly in the eye and grunts. We're making a man cave. (and then dares me with his eyes to make a commentary).

Austen proceeds to giggle.
A man cave? I ask. Yes.(then Cody grins) a MAN cave.

Really? (I just can't leave it alone). A man cave, in a tree?

Yup! (still daring me to challenge him..thoughts of men's clubs run through my mind)..and we are taking Rock Band up there and installing black-out curtains!

Aha. (I think selfishly) Maybe I will get my living room back. No more constant drumming and strange noises. No more please turn that down. Oooh.. I think..I might even get to read a book in there! So I respond with a simple Okay.
I picture my living room returning to a look like in this pic. where
we listen to Yo-Yo Classic CD's and read in a nice clean, quiet room. (don't happens sometimes)

It doesn't take long for reality to hit. Here Austen, Devin and Sandy work on their confirmation stoles while Cody's Odyssey team works on the deck with car-parts, clay, bamboo, etc. strewn everywhere.

What is most amazing to me is how quickly word spreads about The Man Cave.

Brian and I went to Austin, you know the city that is almost 2 hours from our house, to see Brian-Scott and Angee's new apartment. While we were there Brian-Scott mentions he is coming home next Saturday and wants to play Rock Band. I say.."Oh..yeah..your brothers moved it out of the living room. They have converted the tree-house into." (Brian-Scott cuts me off) Oh..I know about the Man Cave! See we men (with big grin on his face) We know about man caves.. (Angee proceeded to roll her eyes.)
I don't even know how to respond. Brian and Brian-Scott laugh.

The next day, our neighbor Justin comes over to study for his driving test. He is looking for Austen. Before I can look for Austen, Justin grins, don't worry. He's in the man-cave. We're studying up there!

In this picture Austen and Devin play Rock Band as loud as they want uninterrupted.
Man Cave heaven!

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