Sunday, December 05, 2010

My House Exploded


We have a sign on our back deck that says Danger..

Originally, the sign was created for that time of year when Odyssey of the Mind teams took over our house. various "works in progress" continued to take over our deck year-round. (I.E...rockets, recycling copper, building missiles, plant experiments, etc.) We also added to our deck decor another sign...stating simply Leaders in Progress.

But Leaders or Not..this weekend the house literally exploded with people, furniture, paint, grinders, etc.. The mess is all compliments of the big people....and this weekend was FULL of creative-messes.

Friday? Not too messy, actually. Just your usual to-be-expected-when-learning-at-home  type mess. The boys (Cody, Austen and Devin) spent the morning writing essays and studying economics. So other than books all over the living room floor? We were still okay.

Then Devin, Austen, Levi and I headed to SA. Cody (ahem) stayed back to study more???? The rest of us visited with my parents and then all of us..(Calvin, my parents, Devin, Austen and myself) went to the hear the Christmas Vespers at Texas Lutheran University.


Saturday is when the real explosion started....
 First came the venison processing (What do you expect? It's hunting season, here in the Texas Hills)

  Pictured are Sandy and Crystal just goofing around in the kitchen while we start the meat grinding (lovely, no?)

Then? Big B and Ricci start packaging the meat.


  Cody, Devin, Austen and I return to the den. It's time to paint. We find some fairly safe paint for Austen to be around in San Antonio...uhmm..until we run out. We kick Austen out of the room (and later the house) while we finish with paint we buy locally. Above is Odio rolling out the spots I made too thick.

As we wait for paint to dry, Sandy and I take the opportunity to drink choco-vino and put blondish highlights in my hair..and then?

 Andy arrives with his deer. More processing and packaging.

And before you  completely gross out. I would like to set the record straight that EVERYTHING the meat touches is sanitary. The hair highlighting and painting are happening in other rooms of the house.

By nightfall, we are exhausted. None of us remember going to bed. We just sort- of ..woke up this morning to a crazy, exploded house.

Sunday  I leave early in the a.m. for another day of worship, prayer and fellowship at a local prison. When I return..................

My living room looks like this!

For those who have been to my house before? You know this means most of my furniture is missing and the piano has found it's way back to my living room. For those who have not been to my house before? This means most of my furniture is missing and the piano is back in the living-room. (It's been several years)...

This room is a pleasant surprise after tripping over people and furniture all day yesterday..But Hmm...Where Oh Where Could the Couches have gone???? 
AHA! Here they are. The Shaggy Boys are sprawled out on them in....


What's for Dinner?
Sunday: Turkey, green beans, dinner rolls
Monday: (Community Dining) 15 Bean Soup, taquitos..and waffles???
Tuesday: Minestrone and grilled sandwiches
Wednesday: Baked fish, baked potatoes and peas
Thursday: Quiche (plain or kale and mushroom), salad, tomato soup
Friday: Leftovers- Cody has game. Big B and I are off to the beach!
Saturday: ? Boys are on their own..Big B and I ..still at the beach!

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